San Francisco: Clift Hotel
Halloween Party 2014 CarnEVIL
This year for Halloween I attended the Clift Hotel’s annual Halloween Party. This year’s theme was CarnEVIL and it was definately scary, evil and creepy. They went all out on the amazing decor, music, theme, staff and the fabulous entertainers. I especially enjoyed the acrobat who did a handstand and then used her feet to shoot an arrow across the room landing on another performer’s head. It was amazing (see shows below)! If you’re looking for a fabulous scene, great decor, delicious food & drinks in the gorgeous Clift Hotel’s Redwood Lounge I recommend the Clift’s CarnEVIL party for you. Lucky for you, they host the parties two nights, last night and again tonight so you still have a chance to attend the Evil Fun!! The tickets are $25 to get in then a la carte drinks. Tickets available here. 495 Geary St, San Francisco, CA 94102. (415) 775-4700
Me and my fabulous guest, Ashley
These women were awesome, bending in ways you can’t imagine doing the coolest acrobatic moves. Super entertaining!
Me and Ashley loving the oversize chair in the lobby
Group shot: One of the performers, Ashley, me, Lani, Kieran and the other awesome performer
This is the acrobat that shot a bow and arrow with her FEET across the room landing on the red ball on top of the other performers head! Unbeleivable. She did this 2 or 3 times with a perfect shot EACH TIME!
First she does the splits to get set up to put the arrow in her foot
She’s ready. Heads up buddy across the room, sharp arrow coming your way!
And she does it again…. Also a perfect shot!
Thank you Clift Hotel and their fabulous PR team for hosting me to this awesome, festive,scary, wild party. What a blast!!!
DISCLOSURE: The JetSetting Fashionista and guest enjoyed complimentary tickets to this event. However, The J.S.F. was not paid to write this post. The J.S.F. only write posts or features about food, hotels, products or destinations that she personally enjoys and proudly endorses and wants to share with my friends, family and readers. All opinions expressed are my own. The J.S.F.
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