Route 66 Road Tripping from California Cross Country To The Midwest
It’s not every day that you get the chance to do a road trip from the spectacular west coast of the United States driving cross-country to the mid-west. This road trip is quite bittersweet for me….. Not only because one of my closest friends Katherine (a dear friend since my early 20’s) has decided to leave San Francisco (in turn leaving me without my bestie) but also because this marks a new chapter in my life. Being able to take time to enjoy things such as a 5 day road trip with a friend of 15+ years doesn’t come along every day. And, to be able to say, of course I’ll join you I can step away from my life and my work (by step away I mean blog from the road, reply to emails and work calls from the road) is a new chapter in my life!
Almost a year ago when I decided to leave corporate America (meaning a full-time 9-5 job) I would soon learn what this new independence and flexibility meant. For a traveller like me, it means you can say yes to amazing once in a life time invitations that come along. Working for yourself also means you’re always working. Literally, it’s 10pm on a Monday and I’m drafting this post. When they say you work 10 times harder for yourself than for anyone else, it’s true. As a self-employed independent contractor technically all of your jobs are for yourself. I’m just explaining that with this new independence comes longer days and some 6 or 7 day work weeks to afford a 5 day weekend (aka road trip across the United States). This is definitely a choice, and something I would choose any day vs. a restrictive 9-5 job with 15-20 days vacation a year. But, with this choice comes lots of work and pressure on yourself. It’s not for everyone. But, if you’re a self-starter, motivated, ambitious and hungry (and of course want a flexible schedule to allow for amazing opportunities like this) you may have the personality for this to work for you too!
I hope you’ll ride along as Katherine and I travel from California to Kansas City. The current itinerary is below (starting TODAY, Friday, March 6th). I hope you’ll visit the blog daily to see new posts and where this adventure takes us….. I like to think of us as Thelma & Louis (I’m whichever was the faster crazier driver) embarking on new adventures with a life long friend. Cheers to new beginnings Katherine and me continuing to explore the life as a JetSetting Fashionista. Balancing professional goals and ambitions with travel, self exploration, food, wine, family & friends.
Day 1: San Francisco, California to Pasadena, California
Day 2: Pasadena, California to Williams, Arizona
Original McDonald’s post, San Bernadino California
Day 3: Williams, Arizona’s The Grand Canyon
Day 4: Williams Arizona to Sedona to Albuquerque, New Mexico
Photo courtesy of Trip Advisor
Day 5: Albuquerque to Oklahoma City
Day 6: Oklahoma City to Kansas City
The Nelson Atkins Museum, Kansas City
Kansas City’s Joe’s Kansas City formerly Oklahoma Joes’s
What do you think?