Top 10 Travel Blogs

Some other fabulous Travel Blogs to use when planning your next trip!

As much as I hope you’re reading the JetSetting Fashionista for MOST of your travel needs I realize there are also some very well-known Travel Blogs available with other great information and ideas! Since I find myself reading a few of these other competing travel blogs (by competing, I mean we’re all writing about the some subject) when planning a trip I wanted to share my thoughts.  For some context… when I googled top travel blogs, the Huffington Post’s Top 13 Travel Blogs was the first in my search (even though the article is from 2011, it’s still #1). I’ve decided to give my thoughts on Michael Hodson’s Top 13 Travel Blog recommendations for my readers.

1. Fox Nomad – This is a cool site. It’s very factual with great current information regarding technology for travel as well travel advice.

2. Fevered Mutterings – This is an extensive site that’s split between two sections: The Travel Blog and Travel Blog Consulting. The Travel Blog has a very cool layout with amazing pictures sorted by country. There are some really great guides, for example “35 Amazing English Things To Do Before You Die”.  Overall, I think this is a great site. You definitely need some time to navigate it as there’s a TON of information to sort through.

3. Johnny Vagabond, Around the World Low and Slow – This site has great story telling and is easy to navigate (pro!). I like how the sections are clearly labeled (at the top of the blog): Home, Budget, Crazy Stories, Gear (My FAVORITE tab), Photography, Route, & Travel Tips. Definitely one I’d recommend checking out.

4. Canvas Of Light – As Michael Hodson (of the Huffington Post) put it “Best travel photographer on the internet. There is no reason to beat around the bush. If you want to get carried away with the joy of an amazing photo — go check out Daniel’s stuff.” I couldn’t agree more with Michael’s assessment. What a wonderful compilation of gorgeous photography and spectacular sites around the world. This is definitely in my top rankings!!

5. Bacon Is Magic – After reading just a few sites I can tell I LOVE this site. It combines three of my favorite passions: Travel, Food and direct/honest writing. Remember I lived in New York so I really appreciate honest direct communication.  What a great site and a fabulous blogger. I will definitely be reading more from Ayngelina.

6. Wandering Trader – What an inspiration!! This travel blogger Marcello Arrambide has been blogging & day trading for over 4 years visiting 80+ countries and 7 continents.  He has a fabulous list of Top 5 Things to Do (by Continent & by City) which I LOVE. I will definitely be referencing his site for my own travel inspiration and Top 5 Lists by city.

7. Wandering Earl – This is one of my favorite on the top 13 list! It’s about a guy Earl who has been traveling since 1999. He’s also very wise about how he spends his money (he must be to be able to travel for 15 years) and gives some great budget ideas such as how to travel the world on $1.94 a day! Definitely check this out. He’s full of amazing information and I just like his style and his passion for travel and life. Kudos Early!!

8. Beers and Beans – This site is another fabulous couple. They’ve won a ton of awards. It has a very cool artsy, photographer look to it with amazing content. Most of their posts have HUGE Pinterest re pins (over 6K at the many I saw) so people really love and are sharing their pictures. Another great site for travel as well as some unique food and drink posts (which I obviously LOVE).

9. Freedonia Post – This is definitely an unusual blog, not like your typical Travel Blog. Michael comments on his humor so if you’re looking to read about Travel written by a humorous author this is the site for you. The photos aren’t as clean as some of the others but still a great site with interesting content.

10. 2 Backpackers – As evident from the name this is a blog about two Backpackers. If you’re looking to travel as a back packer it’s perfect.  I find their curated lists by city (I checked New York City of course) concise, user-friendly and easy to follow.  For those looking to backpack or get some great curated suggestions by city this is a great site for you!

4 Responses
  • Earl
    June 25, 2014

    Thank you for that very nice write-up and I’m really just glad you enjoy the site! Looking forward to connecting with some of your readers as well!

    • JSFashionista
      June 25, 2014

      My pleasure Earl. It was fun getting to know more fellow travel bloggers and find some great sites for ideas & travel destination inspiration. Keep in touch!!

  • Marcello Arrambide
    June 25, 2014

    Thanks for the mention!

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