J.S.F. Mentions: Roaring Twenties
Birthday Party Hosted by The Road To The Good Life
During the month of September of 2014 I celebrated my two-year anniversary as a Californian. I was beyond excited taking the entire month of September to celebrate my new home and post only California content on the blog for the month. What’s more flattering to hear than a friend and fellow blogger, Eden of The Road to the Good Life celebrated my two-year Californian Birthday on her blog. Read more about the Roaring Twenties Birthday Party Eden hosted on The Road to the Good Life with a Thanks for celebrating my big birthday! XO The J.S.F.
Make: Roaring Twenties Birthday Party
For this month’s Cricut Design Space Star Challenge Team 12 decided to throw a Roaring Twenties birthday party for one of our girlfriends. Because my friend Emily of The JetSetting Fashionista is celebrating two years calling San Francisco her home this month, I decided I would throw her a “birthday” party.
To read more about the party and see some of the great D.I.Y. projects and recipes visit The Road To the Good Life’s Roaring Twenties Birthday Party.
What do you think?