The Best Dog Products For Frenchie Ernestine

I love spoiling my dog Ernestine (Ernie), and I even get some fun out of the products I get for her! Continue reading below to see My Favorite Dog Products.

Busy Buddy Toy

Since Ernestine is a Frenchie with super small mouths they’re not supposed to chew rawhides (they can choke on them and we had quite a scare this summer so we don’t give her raw hides anymore). An alternative her vet suggested is this Busy Buddy Toy and it’s fabulous. Ernie LOVES it! She literally has three of these different sized toys and can be occupied for an hour or so chewing and playing. This is hands down one of Ernie’s most Favorite Dog Products so I recommend it to all dog owners especially those with Frenchies who can’t eat rawhides.

Busy Buddy

Foggy Dog Dog Bed: Modern Striped Charcoal

Another item both Ernie and I love is her Foggy Dog mongoramed bed. This is the cutest and looks great in my living room (it even matches the grey color theme).  Shop The Foggy Dog bed here.

The Foggy Dog

Honest Paws CALM CBD

As I’ve shared Ernie sometimes needs a little CBD to help her relax and ease her anxiety. Recently I discovered Honest Paws CALM product which is essentially a peanut butter product with 10 mg of CBD. I put it on a bone for her at night to help calm her and unwind after a big day of excitement.  She loves it and I find it very effective. Another Favorite Dog Product we can’t live with out!

Shop online here at Honest Paws and use my referral code ( to save $20 off your first purchase. 

Honest Paws Honest Paws

Honest Paws

Lands End Dog Carrier

This dog carrier from Lands End is the best! I bring Ernie in it everywhere whether a hotel, a restaurant, shopping… She cozies up in it and feels so relaxed and at home. It’s truly the best and I even got hers monogrammed. Shop dog-carrier tote at Lands End here.

Lands End Canvas Tote Pet Carrier

Lands End Canvas Tote Pet Carrier

Check out my blog on the Best Napa Dog-Friendly Wineries, and the Best Sonoma Dog-Friendly Wineries. 

Old Navy Pet Sweater

Me and Ernie relaxing during a stay at the Fairmont Sonoma Mission Inn. Read about The Fairmont Sonoma Mission Inn here.

Pendleton Dog Bed

Even though Ernestine (Ernie) would love to sleep in my bed with me, her dog bed is a really close second. The Pendleton Dog Beds come in a variety of colors and designs you can purchase. As you know I love to shop local so I purchased mine at our favorite dog store in town, Fideaux Healdsburg. They custom orderer her size and color which came in about a week or two. This is another Favorite Dog Products that Mom may enjoy even more than Ernestine (I wish they made adult Pendleton beds).  Shop Fidueax Dog Store online here.

Pendleton Dog Bed

Pendleton Dog Bed

Ernestine photos by Kelsy Shaffor Photography

Puppia Dog Harness

Choosing the right harness for your god can be tough. Since there are so many options it can feel overwhelming, especially to new dog owners. Well, no need to worry. I’ve done my research and you need to try Puppia. The harness is very comfortable for our dogs, while still keeping a good grip on them when they are by our sides when we are out and about.


Select Pets CBD

The S Select CBD Oil For Pets is a must-have product for our furry friends. This all-natural CBD oil comes in several flavors and provides stress relief for your pets. This product has worked amazingly to mellow out Ernie, especially on days our pets can get a little more anxious than usual like 4th of July, or New Year’s Eve. Read more about the Cannabis Products I Recommend You Try here.

S Social

Dog CBD Oil

She loves it so much she’ll lick the bottle and try to bite the cap off.

Try Goodboy: Matching Face Mask and Matching Dog bandana

If you’re like me and love taking your furry friend with you when you’re out and about, you’re going to love this product it’s all about matching with your Pup!! Try Good Boy has the cutest face masks for humans and matching dog bananas. Check them out at TryGoodBoys here.

Read more about my Favorite Designer Face Masks and my Favorite Reusable Face Masks here .

The Foggy Dog Waste Bag Holders

Who says you can’t hold your poop bags in style? The Foggy Dog Waste Bag Holders are so cute, you wouldn’t even know what was inside them. With a variety of different colors and patterns, you’re bound to find one that matches you and your pets’ personality.

Dog Products

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